Teacher(s): Prof. Maria Luisa Di Vona
Credits: 5
Knowledge to design the material properties starting from atomic and molecular structures. The main goal of this course is to to provide a comprehensive picture of the synthesis of inorganic and organic nanoparticles.
Ability to design the properties of materials starting from the atomic and molecular structures;
Knowledge of advanced materials (polymeric, metallic, ceramic, composite and nanostructured) in terms of microstructure;
Knowledge and understanding of the most modern methods of organic and inorganic synthesis applied to nano-science;
Knowledge and understanding of the chemical and physical characteristics of the main materials.
Structure property correlations for materials.
Ability to select the most appropriate material for a specific application.
Ability to predict the degradation of a material in relation to the environment to which it is exposed.
Choice of the most suitable materials for the realization of a product in relation to its characteristics and the required application.
The ability to obtain and describe data resulting from experiments and analysis, in order to arrive at the formulation of an interpretative judgment on the results acquired;
The ability to collect and process technical and safety information, taking into account the chemical and physical properties of the material, including any specific risk.
The international environment in which the Master will take place will result in an increase in communication skills. Teaching includes oral exams (in English) and will train students to effectively support scientific discussions by improving their skills.
This part of the training will be achieved through lectures supported by laboratory exercises. As part of the Master’s Degree program, the experimental laboratory activity is developed in order to provide a clear knowledge of implementation and application problems.Learning skills will be achieved throughout the course, with particular regard to the planned individual study and the activity carried out for the preparation of the final exam.
There are no formal prerequisites, however it is appropriate that students have good
knowledge of basic inorganic and organic chemistry.
1. Nanoscale synthesis and bottom-up techniques
2. Advanced synthetic tools for the covalent assembly of building blocks in the preparation of molecular systems relevant in nanochemistry
3. Carbon-based nanomaterials
4. Sol-gel and colloidal chemistry
5. Applications of sol-gel chemistry
6. Nanoporous materials
7. Healt, safty and environmental issues
- Type: oral examination.
- Description: The exam of NANOSCALE SYNTHESIS METHODS consists of three written tests and an oral examination. The written tests will take place respectively in the middle of the first part and at the end the two parts of the course.
The oral test is optional for students who have passed the written tests and compulsory for all the others.
The oral exam consists in three theoretical questions (each contributes with 10/30 to the final vote). The exam evaluates the overall preparation of the student, the ability to integrate the knowledge of the different parts of the program, the consequentiality of the reasoning, the analytical ability and the autonomy of judgment. Furthermore, language properties and clarity of presentation are assessed, in compliance with the Dublin descriptors (1. Knowledge and understanding; 2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding; 3 . Making judgments; 4. Learning skills; 5: Communication skills).
The final vote of the exam is expressed out of thirty and will be obtained through the following graduation system:
Not pass: important deficiencies and / or inaccuracies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited capacity for analysis and synthesis, frequent generalizations and limited critical and judgment skills, the arguments are presented in an inconsistent way and with inappropriate language,
18-20: just sufficient knowledge and understanding of the topics with possible generalizations and imperfections; sufficient capacity for analysis, synthesis and autonomy of judgment, the topics are frequently exposed in an inconsistent way and with inappropriate / technical language,
21-23: Routine knowledge and understanding of topics; ability to analyze and synthesize with sufficiently coherent logical argument and appropriate / technical language
24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics; good analysis and synthesis skills with rigorously expressed arguments but with a language that is not always appropriate / technical.
27-29: Complete knowledge and understanding of the topics; remarkable abilities of analysis and synthesis. Good autonomy of judgment. Topics exposed rigorously and with appropriate / technical language
30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and in-depth understanding of the topics. Excellent skills of analysis, synthesis and autonomy of judgment. Arguments expressed in an original way and with appropriate technical language.
Materials for engineers, W.F. Hosford, Cambridge 2008; Nanomaterials: An Introduction to Synthesis, Properties and Applications, D. Vollath, Wiley 2nd Edition, 2013.
Nanoscience and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Manufacturing and Industry Impacts; Wei-Hong Zhong, Bin Li, Russell G. Maguire, Vivian T. Dang, Jo Anne Shatkin, Gwen M. Gross, Michael C. Richey DEStech Publications, Inc
Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites. Synthesis, Properties, Characterization Techniques, and Applications; R. Kumar Goyal, Taylor and Francis, 2017
DELIVERY MODE (Presence/e-learning)
Lectures to the student audience concerning concepts and examples.
Laboratory experiment concerning issues linked to the information provided in the theoretical modulus.